Packing for Competition

As I’m packing myself up, getting ready for tomorrow’s competition, I decided that it may be helpful to post the list of things that I like to bring with me. You have to plan ahead for sure! When it comes to food, you don’t want to do anything much different then your regular day to day diet for the most part. What I do differently on competition day is eat some small amounts of fruit for sugar and carbs immediately after a workout. It can be very hard to eat during competitions due to jitters and nerves, but you HAVE to eat something and drinking is absolutely vital. 


1. Rotisserie chicken separated into 4oz servings in baggies (12 oz total)

2. 1 cup baby carrots, 1 cup sliced cucumber, 1 cup celery

3. Almonds

4. Cliff bar (this is for emergency carbs ONLY if needed- opt for real food first)

5. Small baggie of grapes

6. Small Apple 

7. Container with 16 oz almond milk

8. 2.5 gallons water

9. Small water bottle, empty

10. plain greek yogurt 

11. 3 baggies with measured scoop of protein powder

12. Supplements: 2 doses of glutamine, BCAAs, Creatine, Electrolyte/BCAA mix

13. 1 Powerade (just in case) 

I have a medium sized soft, wheeled cooler that I fill with ice in the morning on the way to the comp. This is easier to tote around by yourself if you’re competing alone and not sharing a cooler. 

Apparel/Gear/Other Stuff

1. Olympic lifting shoes

2. Nanos i.e wod shoes

3. Sandals (i wear adidas slide sandals there)

3. tall socks

4. Extra short socks

5. Capris or long tights

6. Shorts 

7. 2 Sports Bras

8. 2-3 tank tops (depends)

9. Extra underwear (in case you sweat through and feel gross, or you pee your pants during a wod hahah)

10. Chair

11. Tent

12. Towel

13. Chalk

14. Mobility gear (Foam roller, PVC pipe, Lax ball, bands)

15. Bandaids/neosporin/ACE wrap

16. Gum

17. Any medications you need

18. headphone/ipod/phone/music

19. Wallet

20. Wrist wraps

21. Knee sleeves

22. Jump rope

23. Athletic Tape

24. Sunscreen


and most importantly- HUMILITY AND A SENSE OF HUMOR

peaking, crashing, injury

It has been quite the week to say the least. I had a fantastic week of training. Fran PR, filthy Fifty PR, feeling good! Then the weekend came. I felt like all my energy was zapped from my body and left me with an empty shell to work with. I rested on saturday and went to Hartford to cheer on my friends and gym-mates at a crossfit competition and had a great day in the sun with fabulous people. Sunday I went to open gym to practice the first wod that was released for my competition this coming weekend. Needless to say it put the fear of god into my quads. It made me terrified for what else they were going to be throwing at us. I’ll be competing at my first Rxd Individual crossfit competition 8/24 at Yankee Crossfit in Farmington, CT- so my nerves are already jammin’. 

The first wod is: 

4 rounds of 6 squat cleans 105#, 12 box jumps 24″, 300m row

then after 4 rounds complete 30 toes to bar

15 minute cut off

When I practiced this, I know I was tired and wasn’t totally into it- but HOLY SHIT is it a burner. I only did 2 rounds and T2B and my legs were absolutely smoked. I do know that on game day it will be much different and I’ll have energy and adrenaline- but I’m still concerned about the lactic acid build up and having my legs just smoked for the rest of the day. 

Over the course of the next 2 days, the other wods were released and they are as follows:

WOD 2 & 3 are back to back

8 minutes to establish a 3rep max hang squat snatch (bar cannot touch ground)

1 minute to put 95lbs on the bar/rest, then:

6min AMRAP of 10 shoulder to overhead 95# and 10 lateral over bar burpees


WOD 4 (floater)

2 minutes to complete 30 1.5pood kettlebell swings then AMRAP Double Unders, score is double unders



Monday I worked out and did “Helen” (3 rounds for time of run 400m, 21 KBS, 12 pull ups)  and it felt awful- I got a terrible abdominal cramp on my second round out on the run. I managed to finish in a sad 13:24. But hey, at least I finished! It would have been SO easy to quit due to the pain. I may have dropped an f bomb on every foot strike…. 

Tuesday I used as a comp training day. Seeing as I haven’t legitimately snatched since my oly competition- I did a little bit of work on the 3 rep hang snatch. I worked up to 93# and called it a day on that. I didn’t miss any reps and still had more in the tank for sure. Immediately after I did 10 of the shoulder to overhead just to see how they felt and they felt great! Did them unbroken and quickly. Did a few sets of 3 muscle ups, 4 sets of 12, 24″ box jumps, then also did the KBS/DU workout. I must say- for being a 2 minute workout it absolutely fucking smoked me out. It was pretty much 2 minutes of not breathing. I was exhausted when it was over. 

During the entire workout period, I was feeling a bit of a muscle knot around my left scapula but didn’t think much of it. I did a bunch of mobility and hung out on a lacrosse ball  for a while. The knot didn’t stop me from doing anything so I didn’t really take it “too easy”. But lucky me, after I got home and showered and went to bed, my entire left upper back from my shoulder blade up my neck to the base of my skull. I didn’t sleep for shit last night. I think I saw every hour on the clock pass, tossed, turned, couldn’t get comfortable, and was dealing both of my hands going numb constantly (I have carpal tunnel that flares at night). Woke up in agony, depressed, upset and frustrated. Really?! 3 days before my competition and I blow my neck and back out?!  Luckily we have an AMAZING chiro at my office and I went to see him first thing before my day started. He adjusted me and did some trigger point and made a big difference. I went back at the end of the day for electro-stim which worked even better. Relieved that I made such progress with this shit in one day- but still worried that I won’t be well enough to compete saturday. I just downed my third dose of ibuprofen for the day, am about to take an Ativan (works better than muscle relaxers), rubbed on some icy hot and arnica and now I’m going to try to get some rest. Praying I get a better night’s sleep tonight. Tomorrow is another day and with any luck I’ll continue to improve and be functioning for saturday. 

Over and out. 


Ok- so to back up to yesterday’s epic wod- 

Yesterday was my first day back to work from a week’s vacation. It got off to a rocky start first thing in the morning. My body did NOT want to get out of bed let alone be awake and functioning. I was all discombobulated and a hot mess running around trying to get myself together and out the door. After having to go back in the house 4 times, I was finally off to work. Had a surprisingly great day of work that went by super fast! 

My eating was 100% on point and true to every time, portion and supplement. Felt great! 

All day, every time I thought about the upcoming workout that was facing me later that evening I got a wave of mild panic and butterflies in my stomach. For some reason, “Fran” is the only wod that induces this degree of pre-workout jitters. For those of you who are not aware, “Fran” is a benchmark crossfit workout, one of the originals, if not “the” original, developed by Greg Glassman before crossfit was even crossfit. It is a sprint workout that consists of 21-15-9 reps of thrusters at (95# men, 65# women) and pull ups. It doesn’t look bad on paper…shit, it even looks almost easy! But say “Fran” in front of any crossfitter, and you will bring on looks of horror, head shaking, “holy shits”, “ugh”, and “Fran’s a bitch”.  “What’s your “Fran” time?” in the crossfit world is equivalent to “what do you bench?” in the world of globo gyms. 

With that said, my previous PR on Fran was 6:38 Rx, which isn’t spectacular, but is “ok”. It’s been several months since I last did Fran, and since then I’ve made big gains, lost weight, got stringer, better endurance, blah blah blah….no needless to say, I was excited but extremely anxious to find out where I would fall. “Fran” is a great fire-breather test- mentally and physically. There’s no way around it, “Fran” hurts. No matter how in shape  you are and how conditioned you are, it fucking hurts. What separates the fire-breathers from the average crossfitter is the ability to mentally suck it fuck up and push through the pain. Being able to ignore the pain and turn it into fire to push through to the finish is what makes the difference between a >5 min “Fran” and a sub 5min “Fran”. It’s so unbelievably easy to slow down, rest excessively, or overall just give up and say “fuck it”. But if you want to make gains, you have to suck it the fuck up and push on. 

Setting up and waiting for 3-2-1 “go”, my hands were shaking and my heart was already racing- but I was ready to tackle this fucking wod. The first set of 21 thrusters and pull ups is a piece of cake and moves quickly. The sets of 15 are notoriously what hurt the most and slow you down the most. The round of 15 is where my inner voice has to become louder than the pain searing through my muscles and the burn in my lungs. 

You have to have a plan of attack before starting a wod- especially a wod like “Fran”. My plan of attack came into play starting at the sets of 15. I went into it with the plan of breaking it up into a set of two. I only wanted to drop the bar once, and I was only allowing myself to rest for 2 seconds at the top of the thruster, so I could utilize the momentum down to power into the next thruster. Now, this is the plan- things don’t always or usually go as planned. The pain fights that plan and starts becoming the dominating force. When that happens I instantly make my sets smaller- but only in my mind. If I mentally can tell myself to “just do two more”, suddenly those two reps are done and I just repeat “just two more”. And I take those small victories and stack them together until the set is complete and the bar can come down. By that point, I leave myself with no more than 3 reps to complete, so I pick the bar right back up and can immediately bang out the last 2-3 reps, knowing that the end is in sight. BOOM. Set of 15 are done. I use the same mental game play on the pull ups. 

The final round of 9 reps hurts like a mother-fucker, but by that time, my give a shit is gone and all I’m doing is rallying to the finish. I know that no matter how much it hurts, it will be over soon and I can rest. No rest on the last round is allowed unless I legitimately reach muscle failure, in which case, shake it out no longer than a second or two and it’s back on the bar. You don’t need to think, don’t need to breathe, don’t need to feel the pain until your chin reaches over the bar on that 9th rep. 

The only time I watched the clock was after my first rounds of 21. After that, the clock meant nothing. I would be wasting precious seconds looking at the clock instead of working, and “Fran” is such a fast sprint, that seconds count. The next time I looked at the clock was when I jumped off the pull up bar and hit the deck in a pile of sweat, hyperventilation and lightheaded giddiness. I had knocked 2 minutes off of my time.




monday…back to work

I have so much that I want to say about today, my diet and my workout but honestly i’m fucking exhausted and just wanna go to sleep. It’s 9:45 and I have to be up at 5:30 to go morning cardio. fuck. 

So tomorrow I’ll play catch up and go into the nitty gritty of today 🙂 

nighty night! 

Last Day of Vacation :(

Oh bittersweet Sunday. Back to work tomorrow. Boo. 

Today I decided to put myself out of my comfort zone and go work out with the Elite Fit Team with Lisa Thomas and follow it up with posing class after the workout. It was interesting to switch up my workouts and not just oly lift and do crossfit- but to do more conditioning and core workouts doing things I never really do. The only thing that I can say that I do are renegade rows. Everything else was new to me- but good! The Bosu ball was a different animal for sure! Fantastic for triggering stabilizing muscles and core. I’ll definitely be utilizing that monster more often…I’m pretty sure Snap has one. 

Posing practice was where I really felt like a fish out of water! Definitely never done anything remotely close to that before. Felt like a fool but that has to be somewhat expected for a first go around at it. We’ll see how it goes next week! (Yup, I said next week) 

After we finished up with Lisa I drove back to the home turf and I still had a bunch of energy and knew that crossfit was still open so I swung by there and did some skill work. Mostly just worked on muscle ups. I was able to string together 3- almost 4! It’s amazing how much easier they feel when you’re not fresh back from a mile run and a bunch of other work! I did 2 sets of 3, then a few doubles and singles. I tried bar muscle ups too- still no damn luck doing them unassisted. I’m doing something wrong and need to have someone there with me who knows how to do them correctly to pick apart my technique. I can do many of them strung together with ease when i use the puny little band- but as soon as I try to not use a band I lose it. I’m missing the rotation over the damn bar. But let’s be real, I’m glad I have ring muscle ups instead of bar muscle ups….but I’d like to have both. I’m striving to conquer all movements in crossfit so there isn’t a movement that I cannot do to some degree.

Strict muscle ups are kinda sorta almost there- just need to focus on my transition. 

Legless rope climbs are on my bucket list as well…. actually that gives me an idea. I’m going to make another page on this blog where I can list my current PRs, Max weight/reps, and a crossfit “bucket list” per se. 


Eating went fine today except that I was late on lunch since I went to crossfit. I went to the grocery store and did my shopping for the next 2 weeks and did some meal prep as I was cooking and eating my lunch. I had chicken burger topped with tomato, 1 cup cooked spinach and 1/4 c sweet potato with cinnamon. Pretty delish. 



sore back? NOOOOOPPPEEE! :)

Yay!!!! I’ve reached a milestone!!! I did heavy deadlifts with out hurting my back/being sore the next day!!! It’s only taken 3.5 years to get to this point 😀 

Worked out at noon today. Run was the best I’ve had since I was in high school. Muscle ups on the other hand – felt god awful! This was the first time that I’ve incorporated them into a wod immediately after doing something taxing. What a difference!!! Glad I put in the effort- didn’t quite reach my goal of 10- but it was close enough and for my first run at them in a wod- I’ll take it with a smile on my face.  🙂   <– See! 


Today was a rather low key day for me. I finished reading Rich Froning’s book “First” this morning and I must say it was better than I expected- but still not great by any means. What I appreciated the most about it was the play by plays of his competition experiences and his through process during the games and each workout. I found myself reading a particular part, then you tubing that event and watching it and matching it up to his experience. It was definitely chock full of religion and spirituality as one would expect coming from Froning- but I don’t think it deterred from the book. I’m not religious by any means and it didn’t “bother” me any. Overall I would recommend the book to any crossfitter who is into crossfit as the “sport” and not just the “Exercise” program. IT was an easy read and I finished it in 2 days.

Back to business- I ate well today and thoroughly enjoyed my breakfast today. I love being able to sleep in a little bit, get up, get going and then eat. I hate having to force feed myself at 630am on a work day. I’m not hungry at all at that time and I almost feel sick when I eat- but since it’s the only chance I have for a solid breakfast- I force it. So needless to say, this vacation time has been amazing. I love eating on my body’s schedule so I can enjoy it and appreciate it. For dinner I made some spiiiiiiiiicy ‘ma fuckin’ ground turkey tacos. I make my own taco seasoning because A. pre-made seasoning is full of garbage and copious salt and B. mine tastes better. I made up a new batch of seasoning tonight and added in a few extra dashes of red pepper flakes and chile powder…and then added sriracha on top of everything… HOT….and fan-fucking-tastic! The flavor was outstanding and not ruined by the heat. I was running stupid low on ingredients so my tacos were nothing fancy by any means and were lacking seriously in the veggie department- but were still excellent. I had 5oz of ground turkey with seasoning splint into two portions. Topped with chopped plum tomato, lime juice and sriracha and wrapped in lettuce. I’m a hot mess when I eat tacos….as in I should never eat them in public or in polite company. Both my hands turn into a sopping mess of everything I’m eating. I wear it all over my face and clothes. Tonight I was extra sexy due to the fuego factor— running nose and eyes, flushed face. Even my cat was giving me looks like “seriously??”

My workout tonight went great and once again went better than I anticipated. I’m not a big fan of deadlifts- they always end up killing my lower back the next day when they’re in a wod because when I get tired my form inevitably goes to shit. BUT NOT TONIGHT! I made a conscious effort on every deadlift to focus on proper form and using my legs, not my back. So far I feel great- the test will be tomorrow morning when I wake up!

I’m really liking how I keep surprising myself on my wod performance. I’m finding that I have a bigger “gas tank” than I used to and my overall strength during longer wods is better. I used to have a hard time using Rxd weight or anything legit heavy during a wod…as soon as I got tired I couldn’t lift for shit. I could life heavy when just “lifting”- but weight in metcons used to smoke me out bad. Now, I feel like I’ve finally got a handle on it and don’t need to scale much if at all. Rx weight for deadlifts tonight was 190# for women. Since I hadn’t deadlifted in a loooooong time and my 1RM is only about 240lbs, and Sean mentioned that the weight should be about 70-75% of our 1RM- so I went with the 70% and used 173lbs- which is the most weight on a DL that I’ve used in a metcon. I definitely could’ve used more weight, but I feel like the 173 was a good challenge and I worked hard for it- so I’m happy with my choice. I’ll be even happier if my back feels good tomorrow! Sean (coach) has been super helpful lately with pushing me in wods. I still don’t give myself enough credit or a push when deciding on what I’m doing- but Sean has been motivating me to go heavy and try to do the competitor workouts. I’m SO greatful that he’s been pushing me, because I would definitely be going lighter than I should be otherwise. It’s opening my eyes to the fact that I AM capable of doing more and being better, and just need to keep pushing my limits. For that, I thank you Sean.

Yankee Crossfit Garage Games in T-Minus 2 weeks! Feeling more and more prepared every day!


Rest day = massage and getting tattooed. #winning

Lauren Abend is a FANTASTIC massage therapist and crossfitter so she totally understands the garbage we put our bodies through. Go see her. NOW.

AND go get tatted up by the one and only Ben Reigle at Blueprint Gallery in Hadley. Bad ass tattooer and super professional with outstanding work.


This picture does NOT do this tattoo proper justice


Ow my legs

heavy on the legs today with out a doubt. Went to snap today around noon and ran a mile and a half and followed it up with front rack walking lunges with 70#. Foam rolled my poor shin splints as well. My lower legs are hurting pretty good right now from the running that I’ve been doing but I know that I need to just keep pushing through it and mobilizing the shitty tissue daily….or more than daily to build up the muscle and support to support my running. I hunkered down with a book mid afternoon and ended up falling asleep for 45 minutes with the cat. Got up, had a greek yogurt with almonds and headed to the gym to mobilize before doing the wod. Spent my time mobilizing my lower leg (calves, chins, and that shitty little spot on the medial aspect of your knee that ALWAYS hurts when you mobilize). Had a great workout despite going into it thinking that I wouldn’t be able to complete it completely Rxd. I was able to gut it out and get through it with out really struggling. It was a great workout and I worked hard, but I never felt like I was going to fail. Sean definitely motivated me to do the squats Rxd and just go until I couldn’t go anymore and then figure it out if I had to…luckily I didn’t have to. Calves are feeling a bit sticky tonight now…need to spend some serious time on the PVC tomorrow. 

Ahhh and how can I forget- I have a 75 minute glorious sports massage tomorrow morning at 10:30! I found a box full of shit from when I moved that I never went through the other day and I found a gift certificate for the massage that I got for my birthday last year from the ex…definitely putting that to use and this week is the perfect week for it! 

I’m going to try adding another page to this blog where I will post my workouts each day to keep them more organized and out of the mumbo jumbo of this shit. 


Oh and after the wod tonight I went out on the boat with my dad and our friend Rich and caught some badass catfish. Here’s my big fella



Double session #1 is in the books. Nothing intense by any means but still felt good to get 2 work outs in. Did a few muscle ups and strung together another 2….tired doing them from fully extended arms and it just wasn’t happening tonight. Another time! Heather and I ran tonight…ended up doing a mile and a half and it felt good! I could definitely feel my shin splints flaring up a bit but it didn’t stop me from running so that was good. We’re going to try to run the mile and a half every day. We were talking about how our biggest area of weakness in crossfit is our “gas tank” or endurance. We both burn out quick. I know I’m good for heavy, short sprint like wods, but anything fast and long is killer on me. Another thing to keep working towards. Running should at the bare minimum help my lung capacity a bit. 

About to make dinner…. have been marinating steak for the past few hours. RED MEAT GET IN MY BELLY!!!! 
